Cut-off Times Payments

(Nederlandse versie)

Below you will find the delivery times for domestic and international payments.

Pay the same day with SEPA at Deutsche Bank

Outgoing SEPA payment orders delivered to us no later than 1.00 PM on working days will be transferred to your beneficiary’s bank on the same working day. As a result, the payment is usually credited to the beneficiary’s account on the same business day, regardless of the European country.

Incoming SEPA payments to your account at Deutsche Bank that are received by us before 5:00 PM will be credited to your account the same day.

SEPA Instant Payment orders

Incoming and outgoing SEPA Instant Payment orders are processed within seconds and booked on your account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If immediate receipt is not possible due to technical or administrative reasons, a SEPA Instant Payment will not be booked. The sending bank will then usually issue the SEPA Instant Payment as a regular SEPA payment order, based on the regular timelines for SEPA payment orders.

Services (inter)national holidays

Outgoing payments - batches

    Electronic transfer
  SEPA, Urgent Domestic and Cross-border payments in EUR Time Value date
EUR SEPA - multiple (bulk) batch payments 13:00 D
EUR Cross-border payments in EUR (non-SEPA) 15:00 D
EUR Cross-border urgent payments in EUR (non-SEPA) 16:15 D
  • Cut-off times are based on payment delivery in an accepted electronic format without conversion and direct processing.
  • Cut-off times do not include Funds Release processing.
  • Cut-off times do not apply to Cash Pool payments.
  • Cut-off times are based on Amsterdam local time.
  • Instructions received on non-business days (weekend, bankholidays etc) will be processed the next working day.

Incoming payments - batches

  Electronic transfer    
  SEPA and Cross-border payments in EUR Time Value date
EUR SEPA - multiple (bulk) batch payments 17:00 D
EUR Cross-border payments in EUR (non-SEPA) 16:00 D
EUR Cross-border urgent payments in EUR (non-SEPA) 16:00 D
  • Cut-off times are based on payment delivery in an accepted electronic format without conversion and direct processing.
  • Cut-off times do not include Funds Release processing.
  • Cut-off times do not apply to Cash Pool payments.
  • Cut-off times are based on Amsterdam local time.
  • Instructions received on non-business days (weekend, bankholidays etc) will be processed the next working day.

Outgoing instructions - batches

  Electronic transfer

                                       Direct Debit

Time Value date
EUR SEPA SDD Core 1st submission D-1* 13:00 D
EUR SEPA SDD Core recurrent D-1* 13:00 D
EUR SEPA SDD B2B D-1 12:00 D

* The common lead time will be D-1. However when initiating SDD, D-5 and D-2 is still optional.

  • Cut-off times are based on payment delivery in an accepted electronic format without conversion and direct processing.
  • Cut-off times do not include Funds Release processing.
  • Cut-off times do not apply to Cash Pool payments.
  • Cut-off times are based on Amsterdam local time.
  • Instructions received on non-business days (weekend, bankholidays etc) will be processed the next working day.

Incoming instructions - batches

  Electronic transfer    
                                      Direct Debit Time Value date
EUR SEPA SDD Core 17:00 D
  • Cut-off times are based on payment delivery in an accepted electronic format without conversion and direct processing.
  • Cut-off times do not include Funds Release processing.
  • Cut-off times do not apply to Cash Pool payments.
  • Cut-off times are based on Amsterdam local time.
  • Instructions received on non-business days (weekend, bankholidays etc) will be processed the next working day.

Outgoing payments

Transaction should be advised minimal two business days prior to processing. 

Cross-border payments in other currencies

Urgent electronic transfer
Cross-border payments in other currencies Time Value date
AED 9:00 D
AUD 17:00 D+1
BGN 10:30 D
CAD 16:00 D
CHF 12:30 D
CNY 17:00 D+1
CZK 12:00 D
DKK 12:00 D
GBP 17:00 D
HKD 17:00 D+1
HUF 12:30 D
ILS 15:30 D+1
JPY 16:00 D+1
MAD 13:00 D+1
MXN 16:00 D
NOK 12:00 D
NZD 16:00 D+1
PLN 13:30 D
QAR 08:00 D
RON 11:00 D
SAR 09:00 D+1
SEK 12:00 D
SGD 15:30 D+1
THB 16:00 D+1
TRY 10:00 D
USD 17:30 D
ZAR 09:00 D
  • Cut-off times are based on payment delivery in an accepted electronic format without conversion and direct processing.
  • Cut-off times do not include Funds Release processing.
  • Cut-off times do not apply to Cash Pool payments.
  • Cut-off times are based on Amsterdam local time.
  • Instructions received on non-business days (weekend, bankholidays, etc) will be processed the next working day.
  • Cut-off times are based on urgent payments. In case of non-urgent payments a different value date will be applied.

Incoming payments

Cross-border payments in other currencies

Electronic transfer  
  Cross-border payments in other currencies Time Value date
AED   11:00 D+1
AUD   17:00 D+1
BGN 10:30 D
CAD   16:00 D
CHF   12:30 D
CNY   17:00 D+1
CZK   12:00 D
DKK   12:45 D
GBP   16:00 D
HKD   17:00 D+1
HUF   11:30 D
ILS   15:30 D+1
JPY   16:00 D+1
MAD   09:30 D+1
MXN   16:00 D
NOK   14:00 D
NZD   17:00 D+1
PLN   13:30 D
QAR 08:00 D
RON   11:00 D
SAR   09:00 D+1
SEK   15:00 D
SGD   14:30 D+1
THB   16:00 D+1
TRY   10:00 D+1
USD   16:30 D
ZAR   13:00 D
  • Cut-off times are based on payment delivery in an accepted electronic format without conversion and direct processing.
  • Cut-off times do not include Funds Release processing.
  • Cut-off times do not apply to Cash Pool payments.
  • Cut-off times are based on Amsterdam local time.
  • Instructions received on non-business days (weekend, bankholidays, etc) will be processed the next working day.
  • Cut-off times are based on urgent payments. In case of non-urgent payments a different value date will be applied.